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Medical Microbiology Conferences

Medical Microbiology Conferences is an indexed listing of upcoming meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, programs, continuing CME courses, trainings, summits, and weekly, annual or monthly symposiums

Medical Microbiology Conferences lists relevant events for national/international researchers, scientists, scholars, professionals, engineers, exhibitors, sponsors, academic, scientific and university practitioners to attend and present their research activities


ICAMMDM 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Diversity of Microbes Conference, Rome (May 03-04, 2021)

ICCBCI 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Common Infections Conference, Singapore (May 03-04, 2021)

ICMMI 2021: Medical Microbiology and Immunology Conference, Rome (May 03-04, 2021)

ICMMMP 2021: Medical Microbiology and Microbial Physiology Conference, Singapore (May 03-04, 2021)

ICBMMP 2021: Medical Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICMBBDHIS 2021: Medical Bacteriology, Bacterial Diseases and Human Immune System Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICMBBDIS 2021: Medical Bacteriology, Bacterial Diseases and Immune System Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICMBI 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Immunology Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICMBIBD 2021: Medical Bacteriology, Immunology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICMBVT 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Vaccine Therapy Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICMMDM 2021: Medical Microbiology and Diversity of Microbes Conference, Istanbul (May 06-07, 2021)

ICCAM 2021: Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMIIID 2021: Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMBBD 2021: Medical Microbiology, Bacteriology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMICB 2021: Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMIDI 2021: Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapy Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMIDRT 2021: Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Research and Treatment Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMII 2021: Medical Microbiology, Infections and Immunotherapy Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMIID 2021: Medical Microbiology, Immunization and Infectious Diseases Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMIMD 2021: Medical Microbiology and Integrated Microbial Biodiversity Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMDE 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Diversity and Evolution Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMPB 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMPE 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Evolution Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMPG 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Genetics Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMPM 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMPME 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolic Engineering Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMMMPP 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Pathogenesis Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICMSB 2021: Medical Sciences and Bacteriology Conference, Amsterdam (May 13-14, 2021)

ICAMMI 2021: Applications of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Conference, Sydney (May 17-18, 2021)

ICCBVT 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Vaccine Therapy Conference, Paris (May 17-18, 2021)

ICCEMID 2021: Clinical, Experimental Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Sydney (May 17-18, 2021)

ICAMMBV 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Bacteriology and Virulogy Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)

ICAMMMPME 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolic Engineering Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)

ICBDSDT 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)

ICBI 2021: Bacteriology and Immunology Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)

ICCMB 2021: Clinical and Medical Bacteriology Conference, Berlin (May 20-21, 2021)

ICCPBBD 2021: Clinical Pathology, Bacteriology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)

ICIDMM 2021: Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Conference, Vancouver (May 20-21, 2021)

ICAMMAMP 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Advanced Microbial Physiology Conference, Montreal (May 24-25, 2021)

ICCBHIS 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Human Immune System Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)

ICCMID 2021: Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICIDII 2021: Infectious Disease, Immunology and Immunotherapy Conference, Montreal (May 24-25, 2021)

ICIDMMI 2021: Infectious Diseases, Medical Microbiology and Immunotherapy Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)

ICMBCD 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Common Diseases Conference, Montreal (May 24-25, 2021)

ICMMAAC 2021: Medical Microbiology, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Conference, London (May 24-25, 2021)

ICMMCID 2021: Medical Microbiology and Common Infectious Diseases Conference, Barcelona (May 24-25, 2021)

ICPPCP 2021: Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Tokyo (May 27-28, 2021)

ICPPMB 2021: Principles and Practice of Medical Bacteriology Conference, Tokyo (May 27-28, 2021)

ICMBCBD 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Common Bacterial Diseases Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICMP 2021: Medical Physiology Conference, New York (Jun 03-04, 2021)

ICBDM 2021: Bacterial Disease Medications Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICCHS 2021: Chemotherapy and Health Sciences Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICCMIDRT 2021: Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Research and Treatment Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICCMMG 2021: Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICMMHMD 2021: Medical Microbiology and Human Microbial Diversity Conference, San Francisco (Jun 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMI 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Immunology Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICBDCST 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Conference, Barcelona (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICBDHEC 2021: Bacterial Diseases of Humans, Epidemiology and Control Conference, Tokyo (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICIID 2021: Immunization and Infectious Diseases Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICMMMDA 2021: Medical Microbiology and Microbial Diversity Analysis Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICMMS 2021: Microbiology and Medical Sciences Conference, Tokyo (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICTBD 2021: Treatments for Bacterial Diseases Conference, Copenhagen (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICTBI 2021: Treatments for Bacterial Infections Conference, Barcelona (Jun 10-11, 2021)

ICBDCP 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Clinical Pathology Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICBDIS 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Immune System Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICBIMB 2021: Bacterial Infections and Medical Bacteriology Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICCBCD 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Common Diseases Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICIDE 2021: Infectious Disease Epidemiology Conference, Toronto (Jun 15-16, 2021)

ICCBBDVT 2021: Clinical Bacteriology, Bacterial Diseases and Vaccine Therapy Conference, Vienna (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICCBM 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Mycology Conference, Vienna (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICGPCB 2021: Genomics, Proteomics and Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICIDM 2021: Infectious Disease Medicine Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICIID 2021: Immunology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Vienna (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICMMI 2021: Medical Microbiology and Infections Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICOC 2021: Oncology and Carcinogensis Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2021)

ICAMMHMD 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Human Microbial Diversity Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICAMMMP 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Microbial Physiology Conference, Oslo (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICBCD 2021: Bacteria and Chronic Diseases Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICBDMB 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Medical Bacteriology Conference, Oslo (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICBITST 2021: Bacterial Infections, Types, Symptoms and Treatments Conference, Oslo (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICCBMP 2021: Clinical Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICCPB 2021: Clinical Pathology and Bacteriology Conference, Oslo (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICIIDI 2021: Immunology, Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapy Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICMBMS 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Medical Sciences Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICMID 2021: Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Oslo (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICOO 2021: Optometry and Opthamology Conference, Oslo (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICRCB 2021: Retinal Cell Biology Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICVO 2021: Vision and Ophthalmology Conference, Paris (Jun 24-25, 2021)

ICAMMIMD 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Investigating Microbial Diversity Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICCBP 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Parasitology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICCERC 2021: Clinical and Epidemiologic Research Cornea Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICMBM 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Mycology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICMMAMP 2021: Medical Microbiology and Advanced Microbial Physiology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICVPPO 2021: Visual Psychophysics and Physiological Optics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2021)

ICBDCB 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)

ICBI 2021: Bacterial Infections Conference, Dubai (Jun 29-30, 2021)

ICBCI 2021: Bacteria and Chronic Infections Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBD 2021: Bacterial Diseases Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDA 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Antibiotics Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDAT 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Antimicrobial Therapies Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDCMB 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Clinical and Medical Bacteriology Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDCTP 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Causes, Treatment and Prevention Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDDCB 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Diagnostic Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDDCP 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Disease Control and Prevention Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDEC 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Epidemiology and Control Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDH 2021: Bacterial Diseases of Humans Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDHISD 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Human Immune System and Diseases Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBDI 2021: Bacterial Diseases and Infections Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBIA 2021: Bacterial Infections and Antibiotics Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBIAT 2021: Bacterial Infections and Antimicrobial Therapies Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBICB 2021: Bacterial Infections and Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBICST 2021: Bacterial Infections, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBIEC 2021: Bacterial Infections, Epidemiology and Control Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBIH 2021: Bacterial Infections of Humans Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBIHEC 2021: Bacterial Infections of Humans, Epidemiology and Control Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBIM 2021: Bacterial Infection Medications Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICBISDT 2021: Bacterial Infections, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICIDI 2021: Infectious Diseases and Immunology Conference, Prague (Jul 08-09, 2021)

ICMMCIDI 2021: Medical Microbiology, Clinical Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapy Conference, Ottawa (Jul 12-13, 2021)

ICCBMBD 2021: Clinical Bacteriology, Mycology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Stockholm (Jul 15-16, 2021)

ICMMIMD 2021: Medical Microbiology and Investigating Microbial Diversity Conference, Stockholm (Jul 15-16, 2021)

ICCPBD 2021: Clinical Pathology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICIDI 2021: Infectious Disease and Immunology Conference, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2021)

ICAMMMPB 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICAMMMPE 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Evolution Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICBDMCB 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Medical and Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICBDTST 2021: Bacterial Disease Types, Symptoms and Treatments Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICBM 2021: Bacteriology and Medicine Conference, Berlin (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICIDMIDI 2021: Infectious Disease Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapy Conference, Rome (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICMMII 2021: Medical Microbiology, Infection and Immunotherapy Conference, Tokyo (Jul 22-23, 2021)

ICIDMI 2021: Infectious Disease Medicine and Immunotherapy Conference, London (Jul 26-27, 2021)

ICCBD 2021: Common Bacterial Diseases Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICCBI 2021: Common Bacterial Infections Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICDMS 2021: Dentistry and Medical Sciences Conference, Dubai (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICMB 2021: Medicine and Bacteriology Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICMHS 2021: Medicine and Health Sciences Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICMMB 2021: Medicine and Medical Bacteriology Conference, Zurich (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICMMI 2021: Medical Microbiology and Infection Conference, Istanbul (Jul 29-30, 2021)

ICMBD 2021: Medical Microbiology and Diagnosis Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICMMB 2021: Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICMMCID 2021: Medical Microbiology and Clinical Infectious Diseases Conference, Amsterdam (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICMMMGP 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Growth and Physiology Conference, Montreal (Aug 05-06, 2021)

ICBMS 2021: Bacteriology and Medical Sciences Conference, Lagos (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICMBDCP 2021: Medical Bacteriology, Disease Control and Prevention Conference, Lagos (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICMMIDI 2021: Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology Conference, Lagos (Aug 09-10, 2021)

ICBDCP 2021: Bacterial Disease Control and Prevention Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2021)

ICIDMID 2021: Infectious Disease Medicine and Infectious Diseases Conference, Barcelona (Aug 16-17, 2021)

ICBDCP 2021: Bacterial Diseases, Control and Prevention Conference, Budapest (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICCB 2021: Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Budapest (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICDMB 2021: Diagnostic Medical Bacteriology Conference, Budapest (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICGMMTC 2021: General Microbiology and Microbial Theory of Cancer Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICMMIDE 2021: Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Epidemiology Conference, Budapest (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICPRM 2021: Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 23-24, 2021)

ICMBID 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Infectious Disease Conference, Paris (Aug 26-27, 2021)

ICIDII 2021: Infectious Diseases, Immunology and Immunotherapy Conference, Prague (Sep 06-07, 2021)

ICMB 2021: Medical Bacteriology Conference, Prague (Sep 06-07, 2021)

ICMBBD 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Prague (Sep 06-07, 2021)

ICMBP 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Parasitology Conference, Prague (Sep 06-07, 2021)

ICCBBDV 2021: Clinical Bacteriology, Bacterial Diseases and Vaccine Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICCBBI 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Bacterial Infections Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICCBIBD 2021: Clinical Bacteriology, Immunology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICCBP 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Pathology Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICCBV 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Vaccine Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICMBCBI 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Common Bacterial Infections Conference, Singapore (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICMBDT 2021: Microbiology and Bacterial Disease Treatments Conference, Tokyo (Sep 09-10, 2021)

ICAMMMD 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Microbial Diversity Conference, Zurich (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICMMDID 2021: Medical Microbiology and Division of Infectious Diseases Conference, Amsterdam (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICMMID 2021: Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Amsterdam (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICMMIDM 2021: Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Medicine Conference, Amsterdam (Sep 16-17, 2021)

ICBICTP 2021: Bacterial Infections, Causes, Treatment and Prevention Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICDCBBD 2021: Diagnostic Clinical Bacteriology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICIDCM 2021: Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICIMS 2021: Immunology and Medical Sciences Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICPPCBBD 2021: Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Toronto (Sep 20-21, 2021)

ICCBD 2021: Chronic Bacterial Diseases Conference, Vancouver (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICMBIS 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Immune System Conference, Vancouver (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICMCMID 2021: Medical and Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Conference, Vancouver (Sep 23-24, 2021)

ICAMMMPM 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2021)

ICBIDCP 2021: Bacterial Infections, Disease Control and Prevention Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICCBI 2021: Chronic Bacterial Infections Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICMBP 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Pathology Conference, Dubrovnik (Oct 04-05, 2021)

ICACMS 2021: Applications of Chemotherapy and Medical Sciences Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMAMP 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Advances in Microbial Physiology Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMI 2021: Advances in Medical Microbiology and Immunology Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMIMB 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Integrated Microbial Biodiversity Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMMDA 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Microbial Diversity Analysis Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMMDE 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Diversity and Evolution Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMMGP 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Growth and Physiology Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMMPG 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Genomics Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICAMMMPP 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Pathogenesis Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICCBBD 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Bacterial Diseases Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICCBCBD 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Common Bacterial Diseases Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICCBCBI 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Common Bacterial Infections Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICCBI 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Immunology Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICCBID 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Infectious Disease Conference, Tokyo (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICCPMB 2021: Clinical Pathology and Medical Bacteriology Conference, New York (Oct 07-08, 2021)

ICMIMP 2021: Mycology and Its Medical Preventions Conference, Rome (Oct 18-19, 2021)

ICAC 2021: Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Conference, Istanbul (Oct 25-26, 2021)

ICAMMPMD 2021: Advanced Medical Microbiology and Principles of Microbial Diversity Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2021)

ICCMI 2021: Clinical Microbiology and Infection Conference, Los Angeles (Oct 28-29, 2021)

ICMMMPG 2021: Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Genomics Conference, Los Angeles (Oct 28-29, 2021)

ICMMMI 2021: Medical Microbiology and Microbial Immunology Conference, Amsterdam (Nov 04-05, 2021)

ICDMAI 2021: Diagnostic Microbiology and Adaptive Immunity Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICFMM 2021: Fundamentals of Medical Microbiology Conference, Tokyo (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICMBCI 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Common Infections Conference, Venice (Nov 11-12, 2021)

ICCBID 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Jeddah (Nov 15-16, 2021)

ICDMM 2021: Diagnostic Medical Microbiology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2021)

ICMPM 2021: Medical Physiology and Microbiology Conference, Bangkok (Nov 29-30, 2021)

ICMPMS 2021: Medical Physiology and Medical Sciences Conference, Bangkok (Nov 29-30, 2021)

ICMBID 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICMBM 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Medicine Conference, Tokyo (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICMMMD 2021: Medical Microbiology and Microbial Diversity Conference, Sydney (Dec 02-03, 2021)

ICCBIS 2021: Clinical Bacteriology and Immune System Conference, Rome (Dec 13-14, 2021)

ICMBHIS 2021: Medical Bacteriology and Human Immune System Conference, Paris (Dec 30-31, 2021)


ICIDPH 2022: Infectious Diseases and Public Health Conference, London (Feb 15-16, 2022)

ICMMPMD 2022: Medical Microbiology and Principles of Microbial Diversity Conference, Dubai (Feb 15-16, 2022)

ICAMMICB 2022: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology Conference, Rome (Feb 18-19, 2022)

ICIDI 2022: Infectious Diseases and Immunotherapy Conference, Sydney (Feb 25-26, 2022)

ICMIP 2022: Microbial Immunology and Parasitology Conference, Tokyo (Feb 25-26, 2022)

ICMMAMB 2022: Medical Microbiology and Advances in Microbial Physiology Conference, Sydney (Feb 25-26, 2022)

ICMBBI 2022: Medical Bacteriology and Bacterial Infections Conference, Istanbul (Mar 22-23, 2022)

ICGPMB 2022: Genomics, Proteomics and Medical Bacteriology Conference, Tokyo (Mar 25-26, 2022)

ICAMCR 2022: Applied Microbiology in Clinical Research Conference, Lisbon (Apr 15-16, 2022)

ICMCB 2022: Medical and Clinical Bacteriology Conference, Lisbon (Apr 15-16, 2022)