Friday 17 January 2025
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Master of Sciences in Medical Microbiology


Course Arrangement for International Master's Students in Microbiology 

Course Objectives 

:Graduates of the M.Sc. program of Medical Microbiology are expected to reach the following abilities

 Perform relevant actions and services in order to diagnose infectious diseases in the microbiology section of the Medical Diagnosis Labs

Working as a research assistant in research institutes of Medical Microbiology

Providing theoretical and practical training courses in order to gain relevant and required abilities and skills

Conducting continuous and steady student evaluation in the training period of courses to ensure the continuous improvement of skills and knowledge

Holding conferences, journal clubs and morning reports

Conducting continuous and steady student evaluation in the research period of courses through holding thesis review meetings to ensure the continuous improvement of skills and knowledge

Cooperating as instructors or trainers in theoretical training courses and practical workshops in order to improve their skills, abilities and performance


-Learn more about the Course Structure/ Course Description  guide in M.Sc. in Medical Microbiology

-Learn More about the Admission Requirements

-learn More About the Students Guidance Booklet

-Students apply to the IUMS M.Sc. in Medical Microbiology program through the IUMS website (Apply Now)